For as long as I can remember I’ve needed someone to depend on. Someone to save me. Tell me that its going to be okay when I know deep down that it won’t.
Pathetic people like me rely on people to save them. Sometimes it’s your family or your friends. But if you’re really lonely, someone on the street can save you too. (I’ve read enough chicken soup to justify that)
Superficial people rely on expensive shoes and clothes. Every purchase gives them hope that it might fill that deep hole in their lives. I love that saying, “I know my life will be all right, if I find the perfect outfit”. So it’s an unending cycle of consumerism and materialism. Dior to Balenciaga, liposuction to butt implants, Lamborghinis to private jets; everything goes!
Knowledgeable people rely on wisdom. They learn, they teach, they read, until they have no time to think about the unending misery of their lives. You’ll see them get Ph.ds in neurophysioplathyetics. They’ll immerse themselves in their jobs. Their career ladder reaches the skies. There is no end to their self-actualisation.
Religious people rely on prophets and messiahs to save them. If they can say the right prayer, act the right ritual, God will instruct any monster to back off. They hope that they will be like God’s Jonah, vomited onto dry land after being in the stomach of a fish.
We constantly look for a rock of our habitation. A way to move beyond the winter of our discontent. And in the end, someone or something always needs to be crucified for each one of us to be saved.
What is this absolute need to be saved?
Maybe it’s the absolute powerlessness we feel in situations. As much as we try, from tornados to death, humans can’t change, stop, prevent create or even predict anything.
Even the proudest amongst us will have to recognise that we have no control of our ultimate destiny.
So with no control, why do we spend hours fretting and worrying? Do we all realise that our salvation isn’t infallible.
I live in constant fear that one day that my salvation plan will run out. Family will die, friends will lose touch. And if I do find that right outfit what if it still doesn’t save me? What if I reach the last step of my career ladder and there’s no where else to go but down. What if my prayers were not good enough or my rituals too stoic?
I’d love to know what’s your salvation plan is and who or what is saving you tonight? Maybe, it will help me save myself!
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